
= 1.4.0 =
* Feature. Mass post syncer
* Feature. Show warning for invalid video headers
* Feature. Show warning for invalid ad codes
* Feature. Compatibility with ThemeShop themes with LazyLoad
* Feature. Compatibility with WP Rocket
* Feature. Compatibility with NextGen Gallery
* Feature. Better WP Recipe Maker nutrition label compatibility
* Feature. Check data-src & data-lazy-src on images as well incase of lazyload
* Feature. Manually set post sponsor if different to the author
* Feature. Better admin notices
* Feature. Better API flow
* Feature. Add notice for ‘unclaimed URL’ error
* Fix. Strip CDATA tags from post content
* Fix. Stop self closing iFrames
* Fix. Bug with PlayBuzz check firing too early
* Fix. Rename Facebook SDK class for better compatibility
* Fix. Rename EDD Updater class for better compatibility

= 1.3.5 =
* Feature. Complete Analytics re-write
* Feature. Compatibility with the GA Google Analytics plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Google Analytics Dashboard for WP plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Google Analytics plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Chartbeat plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Jetpack plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the SimpleReach plugin
* Feature. Compatibility with the Easy Video Player plugin
* Feature. Remove global wpna_options variable
* Feature. Make wp_parse_url compatible with lower WP versions
* Feature. Switch to global function to kick everything off
* Feature. Better saving for post meta fields
* Feature. Trust x-forwarded headers when authorising Facebook
* Fix. Correctly parse images wrapped in headings
* Fix. Correctly parse elements inside italics
* Fix. Stop passworded posts appearing via the RSS feed
* Fix. Issue with Facebook API not working between users
* Fix. Issue with Placements adding an extra p tag to content

= 1.3.4 =
* Feature. Re-do post analytics. No longer shows annoying error message
* Feature. Post meta box can now be shown on post custom types
* Feature. Set Content Parser V2 as default upon activation
* Feature. Auto detected if excerpt is used and enable subtitle automatically
* Feature. Stricter regex for checking for the featured image
* Feature. Stricter featured image URL validation for Yoast
* Feature. Compatibility with the Spider Facebook plugin
* Feature. Custom params added to analytics
* Fix. Custom placement content is no longer escaped
* Fix. Headings containing ampasands now covert properly
* Fix. Admin tabs no longer broken when the plugin is disabled

= 1.3.3 =
* Feature. Default to Version 2 parser
* Feature. V2 Parser. Remove empty elements
* Feature. WordPress Galleries now support image captions
* Feature. Only show input error table is there are some
* Feature. Add optional title to related posts inserted with the Placement Manager
* Feature. Add content placeholders to the custom content Placement field
* Feature. Upgrade to v2.10 of the Facebook API
* Feature. Override Ad Type for individual posts
* Fix. Use GMT date for posts instead of local one
* Fix. Broken link to the support forums
* Fix. Placement Manager Pagination
* Fix. Stop quotes getting escaped in the custom placement content
* Fix. Bug with authors not being selected when editing a placement
* Fix. Stop MediaAce LazyLoad in IA
* Fix. Stop NewRelic Browser Injection Script in Crawler Ingestion layout
* Fix. Stop the TVE editor duplicating content

= 1.3.2 =
* Feature. Content Parser V2 (beta)
* Fix. Bugs with WP Recipe Maker compatibility

= 1.3.1 =
* Fix. Stop placements adding extra </pre> tag
* Fix. Bugs with WP Recipe Maker compatibility
* Fix. Show correct error when simultaneously activating Free & Premium versions
* Fix. Stop & (ampersand) getting encoded in ads

= 1.3.0 =
* Feature. Placement Manager
* Feature. Add Crawler Ingestion support
* Feature. Designed dashboard chart. Which stacked bar graph + total views count
* Feature. Add rtl support
* Feature. Toggle ads field + simpler audience network field
* Feature. Toggle basic auth field
* Feature. Add video header support
* Feature. wpna_allowed_post_types() now controls what post types get converted.
* Feature. Support for EasyAzon plugin
* Feature. Support for AdAce plugin
* Feature. Support for WP Recipe Maker
* Fix. Error on API pages with printf not having enough params
* Fix. Can now use UTF-8 urls in related articles
* Fix. Add fallback for mb_convert_encoding()
* Fix. Get correct options when using switch_to_blog()
* Fix. Related articles automatically mark as sponsored if they are
* Fix. Stop & (ampersand) getting encoded in analytics

= 1.2.5 =
* Feature. Post content override. You can now specify different content for IA
* Feature. Add [wpna hide=”][/wpna] shortcode for when you want to hide content from IA
* Feature. You can now manually specify related posts
* Feature. Removes paragraphs that only contain  
* Feature. Prepare plugin for translation + fix spelling errors
* Feature. Better parsing for Pro & X
* Feature. Faster method for checking if images exist
* Feature. Selective sync individual posts
* Fix. Bug with ChartJs that caused conflicts with some other JS libs
* Fix. Bug with post analytics not being returned correctly
* Fix. Better compatibility with older versions of Newmag theme
* Fix. Post status error table now works on mobile

= 1.2.4 =
* Feature. Add initial support for WP Quads
* Feature. Add initial support for Pro & X
* Feature. Better rules when dealing with shortcodes in posts
* Fix. 32bit support. Don’t use absint for super large numbers
* Fix. Allow some html tags in the excerpt
* Fix. Development mode via the API didn’t always work
* Fix. Stop publishing auto-drafts
* Fix. Pro Auto-updater now uses strict SSL verify
* Fix. Occasional encoding error. Punctuation no longer appears as ã
* Fix. Missing op-interactive tag in the Newsmag compatibility
* Fix. Ignore nextpage tags

= 1.2.3 =
* Feature. Choose which articles you want published as Instant Articles
* Feature. Support for GitHub gist embeds added
* Feature. Support for <pre> & <code> tags added
* Feature. YouTube & Vimeo videos added through FV Player Plugin now supported
* Feature. Support for Newsmag theme Video posts added
* Fix. In-page links now removed
* Fix. Remove images less than 1024 bytes
* Fix. Bug affecting images wrapped in links
* Fix. Bug where some elements wouldn’t get removed

= 1.2.2 =
* Feature. Support for Visual Bakery (beta)
* Feature. Optionally show subtitle, kicker, authors & media in the article header
* Feature. Add Facebook ad density option
* Feature. Add Facebook recirculation ad option
* Fix. Embedding other WordPress posts from your site now works
* Fix. Using embed code from Twitter & Instagram directly now works

= 1.2.1 =
* Fix. Bug with images

= 1.2.0 =
* Feature. Now supports custom post types in the RSS feed
* Feature. Article kicker doesn’t display if the category is ‘uncategorized’
* Fix. Article kicker now displays the category name instead of the category slug
* Fix. Bug when a Page ID wasn’t correctly set
* Fix. Bug with screen metaboxes
* Fix. Ensures whole post is displayed when tag is present
* Fix. shortcodes should now show correctly

= 1.1.6 =
* Feature. Can now use dynamic date variables in Copyright & Credit fields
* Feature. Shows a warning if the API doesn’t have the correct permissions
* Feature. Shows any API errors
* Fix. API flow now has better checking
* Fix. API now works with 2.8
* Fix. Date validation for PHP less than 5.3 now works

= 1.1.5 =
* Feature. Notify if a template is being overridden
* Fix. Ads script was sometimes being escaped
* Fix. Now works with the new Facebook API
* Fix. Saving API login settings sometimes wouldn’t work

= 1.1.4 =
* Fix. Post settings sometimes override global defaults when they shouldn’t

= 1.1.3 =
* Feature. Show warning if options have been overridden using hooks
* Fix. Error blocking the Screen Options tab on the post page
* Fix. Error sanitizing post options

= 1.1.2 =
* Feature. Image title & caption styling options. Global + post override
* Feature. Background CRON post api syncing
* Feature. Now 100% WordPress & WordPress VIP standards compatible
* Feature. Update to Facebook API v2.8
* Feature. Overridden templates can now be in a folder rather than top-level
* Fix. Post instant articles stats not showing (disconnect then re-connect your Facebook account)
* Fix. Post tabs not aligning
* WordPress 4.7.3 compatibility

= 1.0.9 =
* Fix Infogram embeds

= 1.0.8 =
* WordPress 4.7.1 compatibility
* Auto updater bug fix

= 1.0.7 =
* Auto updater fixes

= 1.0.6 =
* PHP 5.2 compatibility
* Update auto updater to fix caching issues

= 1.0.5 =
* Fix PHP less than 5.5 error

= 1.0.4 =
* Fix error when deleting an article via the API and Facebook isn’t connected
* Fix error in image captions with non alphanumeric entities

= 1.0.3 =
* WordPress 4.7 compatibility
* Speed improvements for locating attachment IDs

= 1.0.2 =
* Fix for images using HTML5 markup
* Take account of captions when removing images
* Readme corrections

= 1.0.1 =
* Readme corrections

= 1.0.0 =
* Plugin released